18 research outputs found

    Meta Adaptation using Importance Weighted Demonstrations

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    Imitation learning has gained immense popularity because of its high sample-efficiency. However, in real-world scenarios, where the trajectory distribution of most of the tasks dynamically shifts, model fitting on continuously aggregated data alone would be futile. In some cases, the distribution shifts, so much, that it is difficult for an agent to infer the new task. We propose a novel algorithm to generalize on any related task by leveraging prior knowledge on a set of specific tasks, which involves assigning importance weights to each past demonstration. We show experiments where the robot is trained from a diversity of environmental tasks and is also able to adapt to an unseen environment, using few-shot learning. We also developed a prototype robot system to test our approach on the task of visual navigation, and experimental results obtained were able to confirm these suppositions

    Detecting events and key actors in multi-person videos

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    Multi-person event recognition is a challenging task, often with many people active in the scene but only a small subset contributing to an actual event. In this paper, we propose a model which learns to detect events in such videos while automatically "attending" to the people responsible for the event. Our model does not use explicit annotations regarding who or where those people are during training and testing. In particular, we track people in videos and use a recurrent neural network (RNN) to represent the track features. We learn time-varying attention weights to combine these features at each time-instant. The attended features are then processed using another RNN for event detection/classification. Since most video datasets with multiple people are restricted to a small number of videos, we also collected a new basketball dataset comprising 257 basketball games with 14K event annotations corresponding to 11 event classes. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods for both event classification and detection on this new dataset. Additionally, we show that the attention mechanism is able to consistently localize the relevant players.Comment: Accepted for publication in CVPR'1

    SCE: Scalable Network Embedding from Sparsest Cut

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    Large-scale network embedding is to learn a latent representation for each node in an unsupervised manner, which captures inherent properties and structural information of the underlying graph. In this field, many popular approaches are influenced by the skip-gram model from natural language processing. Most of them use a contrastive objective to train an encoder which forces the embeddings of similar pairs to be close and embeddings of negative samples to be far. A key of success to such contrastive learning methods is how to draw positive and negative samples. While negative samples that are generated by straightforward random sampling are often satisfying, methods for drawing positive examples remains a hot topic. In this paper, we propose SCE for unsupervised network embedding only using negative samples for training. Our method is based on a new contrastive objective inspired by the well-known sparsest cut problem. To solve the underlying optimization problem, we introduce a Laplacian smoothing trick, which uses graph convolutional operators as low-pass filters for smoothing node representations. The resulting model consists of a GCN-type structure as the encoder and a simple loss function. Notably, our model does not use positive samples but only negative samples for training, which not only makes the implementation and tuning much easier, but also reduces the training time significantly. Finally, extensive experimental studies on real world data sets are conducted. The results clearly demonstrate the advantages of our new model in both accuracy and scalability compared to strong baselines such as GraphSAGE, G2G and DGI.Comment: KDD 202